Francisco's Journal an author discusses the art of writing

March 8, 2012

The Larsson Approach

Filed under: Inspiration,Stieg Larsson,Uncategorized,Writer's Block,Writing — Francisco Stork @ 3:56 am

Here’s the story of how the Larsson Approach was conceived. You’re at the Gardens Mall in West Palm Beach three months ago. You volunteer to stroll baby Charlotte around while your wife and daughter and daughter-in-law make their way from Abercrombie to Zappos. They’ll meet you by the Starbucks in an hour and a half. Baby Charlotte falls asleep the first five minutes after they leave and there you are with 85 minutes left. You find a padded bench and sit. In back of the stroller you see your daughter-in-law’s book: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. You’re a bit of a snob and don’t ordinarily read any book that has sold more than the Bible, but you’re desperate. After a few pages you discover that the boy can write. He’s no Marcel Proust, but still he has something. A certain honesty. You can feel the fire behind his words.

Three months later you’ve read his three books. You have found out that he died of a heart attack soon after he submitted the three books to a publisher. You are intrigued about his life and pick up a biography by his life-long partner, Eva Gabrielsson. Here’s how she answers a question about how much planning went into the books: “Well, the books weren’t planned out at all. Everything started out with Stieg’s boredom during our summer vacation in 2002. He began writing the project that would turn into The Millennium Trilogy just to pass the time when he had nothing else to do, but he kept going because his newfound enthusiasm kept growing.”

You’re hopelessly stuck in a deadly funk. The revisions you need to make are albatrossian. There are no words to describe how you feel so you make up new ones. At your lowest point, help comes. It always does. You just wish it didn’t take so long to get there. And you sure as hell don’t expect it to come from Sweden. So the Larsson Approach is conceived during one of these bleak nights. It goes like this. You have been practicing law for thirty years. You say: I’m a lawyer not a writer. What if I write a book to pass the time, for fun. Other people do puzzles. So you write for an hour or so after you come home from your legal job, after dinner. You write on weekends. When new found enthusiasm comes, you wake up a couple of hours before you go to work and write. There are no expectations. No need to be better than your last book. No need to sell more books than someone else. No need to read reviews. No need for that nothing-pleases-him-inner-editor. You’re a lawyer not a writer. This is not your whole life, it’s a hobby. But, you write with honesty. You write with your life and from your llife’s joys and aches, just like Larsson. You take that lump in your throat and try to give it words. Just because it’s fun doesn’t mean it can’t be serious. A hobby can still be essential, a matter of life and death. How you pass the time is important. It counts. Larsson had a fire burning inside of him. You’ve read his books, you know what mattered to him, what consumed him. You say: What fire burns inside of me? I’m going to make it burn bright, with beauty and passion, just to pass the time.

February 23, 2012

Why Am I on This Planet?

Filed under: Religion,Teaching,Uncategorized,Writing,Young Adult Literature — Francisco Stork @ 5:46 am

That’s the question that I was asked by a young person recently. What would you say if you were asked this question by someone whose life depended on the honesty of your answer? All answers to this question are so . . . poor (it’s the best word I can come up with). Here’s what I struggled to say. I share this with you not without fear.

I don’t know where to start. The question is like a Zen Koan, so very complicated and so very simple. And like a Zen Koan the mistake we make is to look for an intellectual answer, something we can put in words and impress people with our brightness. Actually, the answer is more like an experience, a new way of seeing and it is one of those things that if you can name it, you probably don’t have it. Nevertheless, I believe it is important to try to communicate as best as possible this experience. Being a seeker (like you are) has consequences. One of the consequences is that if you don’t share what you find in some form or another you’re going to be unhappy.

What I have found is that there are times in my life when I experience something that is unique but also part of a greater whole shared with everyone and everything else in this universe (Maybe our question should be why are we in this universe?”). The best way I can describe this experience is that it is something like what I have experienced in other realms of life and which we call love. The experience is one of being loved and of loving. It is an inward and outward movement, like breathing or like the heart’s pull and push motion.

Why I was put in this planet is to realize completely and always that my true self is this ever flowing fountain of love. For some reason, realizing this full time is not easy. There’s another part of me that doesn’t want to live and operate out of this loving region. I’m not sure why this struggle was built into the system and why this other part exists at all. I have some clues, but that may have to be another e-mail if you’re still e-mailing me and I haven’t scared you off, which, trust me, is a real possibility. I don’t know you and I don’t know at what part of your journey you’re at, but the very fact that you are asking why tells me that you’ve started. The one thing I do know about the struggle to live in love is that for that to happen that other part of me has to surrender it’s claim to be number one and accept it’s role as a servant of the source, the true self, that I am.

So that realization of who I truly am is one side of the coin of why I’m on this planet. The other side of the coin is the expression of that realization in the particular circumstances of my life. This part is related to the “uniqueness” piece contained in the experience of love. This part has to do with discovering and using that uniqueness. How are you going to express the love that you truly are in a way that only you can express. Until not very long ago, I used to think that writing novels was my uniqueness, my gift, and it is only lately that I’ve discovered that my gift is teaching. Teaching includes writing young adult novels but it is broader than that. Teaching sounds pedantic, and preachy and even a little arrogant. You know, the teacher is “better” than the student, the teacher is supposed to know more than the student. But the kind of teaching I’m talking about requires a skill and a mastery that I am still working on, and most of all it requires humility. The good teacher is not just interested in filling the student’s head with information but in drawing out what is unique and universal in that student. Writing for me is the best tool for that and so I write for young people, about young people to walk with them as a fellow seeker, to humbly walk beside them toward the discovery of our true self and and the unique gift each one of us has received.

January 25, 2012

Second Chances

Filed under: Behind the Eyes,Books,Editing,Love,Second Chances,Uncategorized,Upcoming Work,Writing — Francisco Stork @ 10:46 am

After I finished writing my first YA book, Behind the Eyes (Dutton: 2005), my then eighteen-year-old daughter Anna said to me with characteristic honesty that it was a good book but that I had held back. I had held back from being as knowledgeable and wise and funny as she knew I was. I don’t know if I denied or admitted it to her. I try to remain non-judgmental to my family’s comments about my books so that they can be free to voice whatever they think (I don’t always succeed at this), but I do know that in my heart of hearts she was right. For some reason, I held back. I was, like Hector, the young main character of the book, afraid to share the gifts I was given. So when I wrote Marcelo in the Real World, I did my best to not hold back, to leave it all on the page. I’ve tried to do the same with other books I’ve written, even though I still have a ways to go. I know, for example, that there is still a gap betwen the humor and lightheartedness of my life and the books I write, but I’m working on that. After all, it’s not always easy to transform knowledge and wisdom and humor into art which is essential in writing a novel that will interest and maybe even touch another soul.

I came to accept Behind the Eyes as one of those learning and growing experiences that every writer has and I moved on. Then a year or so ago Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic decided it would be nice to have all of my books under their imprint and they purchased the expired rights to Behind the Eyes. Cheryl Klein and I had long thoughtful discussions about the book and we decided that we had a choice to publish the book with minor changes, major revisions or somewhere in between. We went for the middle-path. A place to travel in life, as well. So in a few more days I will give Cheryl final revisions (there have been a couple of drafts already) to the book which is scheduled to come out in the Spring of 2013. A second chance. How rare is that? I have absolutely no need for second chances for Marcelo or Death Warriors or Irises, but as to Behind the Eyes, I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to not hold back. For in addition to the knowledge, wisdom and humor that my daughter correctly perceived I had witheld, I also held back on love. How could it happen that I could create a character like Hector without truly loving him? It makes me sad to think about this. I guess learning to love (characters and real human beings) takes time and mistakes galore. All that I can think of is that I had to learn about love and about self-forgiveness before Hector could love himself and others, before Hector could chisel his way through the granite ways of self-acceptance.

So I’m off to pour all I have into the final revisions of this old and new book and, with Cheryl’s help, this will become art. I’m not holding back. I’m leaving it all on the page. 


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