Francisco's Journal an author discusses the art of writing

January 1, 2017

2017 Resolutions

Filed under: Advice to writers,Poems,Prayer,Uncategorized,Vocation,Writing — Francisco Stork @ 10:40 am

Be a tree.

Live and know, suffer and enjoy

The spot of earth you are planted.

Root down each day for the deep moist soil of your soul

And draw from there the sap of love.

Be strong in your stillness,

But let the wind sway you as it will.

Be a shelter.

Provide shade.

Let others find rest and solace in you.

Don’t worry about whatever fruits you may bear.

Seek to be a good tree and the good fruits will come.

Be a friend of time and its seasons.

Shine bright in spring,

Glow steady in summer,

Mourn joyfully in autumn,

Let go of all that is seen in winter

To grow once more.


May 31, 2015

Your Rose

Filed under: Poems,Soul,Uncategorized — Francisco Stork @ 8:10 am

Imagine inside of you a rose.
You pick the color, but the color may vary from time to time.
A beautiful, vibrant rose, but tender too, like star light.
Dew gathers on her perfectly formed petals (for me she is a her).
The rose is a gift for you to love.
First you have to find her, see her, be surprised by her beauty.
Why did you ever think something so beautiful could not be in you?
Now your rose needs the moist soil of attention.
She needs to be watered with beauty and silence.
She will let you know what music is good for her.
Most of all she wants you to know how precious she is.
Love her.
In return she will give you her color, her scent of eternity,
Sometimes her wild joy.

January 10, 2013

Writing Exercises

Filed under: Poems,Uncategorized — Francisco Stork @ 9:00 am

When it is hard to continue, take a poem that speaks to you and write one of your own. Here’s one based on a poem in Rilke’s Book of Hours.


And God said to me: Write

I am the only judge

And my judgment was given when you were born.

I will take whatever you give.

There is no measurement other than your doing.

I will take your effort that tiny seed

and plant it in the earth soaked with tears.

What worries you now that you know

Your work is the vessel for my love?

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